Since we’re in a new ward we naturally were awaiting the time when the bishop pulls you in and gives you a calling. Oh my favorite. I am not a hugely social person, nor do I have lots of time to do things with my neighbors and ward members. I was going through all the positions I could be called for and thinking about which one I’d want the most. I decided that teaching in Relief Society, Young Women’s or Primary would be frightening and challenging. Being in charge of any major social events would also be a challenge for me. I’m never available, so how would I attend these events, let alone organizing them. I found myself really wishing I had learned to play the piano when my mom was teaching me as a child/teen. Really, that is the best calling. All you do is sit and play the music accurately. No talking to people, no outside of church gatherings, and you’re obviously not going to tell people inaccurate church information. But alas, I thought it was impossible to learn the piano and it definitely wasn’t on my list of priorities. Let’s add that to my list of things I know now that I wish I wouldn’t known then. Anywho, I was really hoping I’d get chorister of some kind. I can lead music, sure can! That’s almost as good as playing the piano. Lol Well, that time came. I was pulled into the office with a member of the Bishopric and I was asked to be…..Nursery leader. I almost busted out in laughter. “Me? Wait, do you mean me? Seriously? Is there someone behind me?” I don’t have kids. Therefore I have no experience with children of any age, let alone 2 year olds. Why the heck would they choose me? Dan has a theory that they chose me because one day the bishop came to ask us a question and I had a bag of Goldfish crackers in my lap. He took one from my bag and thanked me for providing him with a snack. I suppose that might be the cause. Or maybe God knows I’d like kids but don’t think we’re ready so he is providing me with a natural baby deterrent. Either way I’m in the nursery now. We typically have about 16 kids.

After my first day in nursery I realized how much I don’t fit in. Lots of kniving toddlers who are putting things in their mouth, coughing on their hands, running around, crying, and sometimes screaming. Yeah like I know what to do about that. I also had no clue what any of the songs were. This ought to be interesting. I think they got the message wrong. Dan was supposed to be called to nursery….not me. We’ll see how this goes!

Comments (2)

On September 30, 2010 at 7:50 AM , Chels said...

God's just getting you ready for the future. ;)

On November 9, 2010 at 7:03 AM , jo ann poulsen said...

I think nursey is the hardest job. You are exposed to all the illness running around. With you that may not be good. But your mom & Raven loved it so maybe you will too.