Every so often the ferrets do something that just makes me so happy and excited. Literally my heart melts with joy. Hear are the ones I can think of off the top of my head:
1) Houdini comforting Suki the first few weeks we had them by chewing on her ear. It was so sweet! He would also chew on everyone else's ear regardless of whether or not they wanted him too. Later on he would mostly chew on Klepto's ear since he is the alpha ferret and you gotta take care of the boss! hehe

2) The time when Houdini fell asleep with me on my in-law's living room floor. We fell asleep nose to nose. It was great. Right then I knew that he would always be very close to my heart. Later on when I'd catch Klepto and Houdini napping together in their donut bed I'd go lay down next to them and often times fall asleep. It was great to nap while having my kids right next to me, feeling their heart beats and chest rise/fall.

3) This was what got me started on this precious moments thing. I went into the ferret room and saw Ferrah chewing on Klepto's ear. There are two reasons this is so fantastic. First off Houdini was the only one who ever continued on with the ear chewing thing. As I also mentioned his main target was Klepto. It was so fantastic seeing Ferrah take care of Klepto the way Houdini used to. Secondly, Ferrah has kind of been the outcast since we got her. She is very rambunctious and the others get tired of her crazy antics rather quick. She also is very new to the family whereas the others have been together for 1+ years. Most of the time she even sleeps in a separate bed or hammock. Thus, it made my day seeing her cuddle up with one of the big kids and snoozing with them. Especially since Klepto has been the one most put off by this wild little girl. Here are some pics of the fantastic event:

Here is a video of it. She started to doze of mid-ear chewing. Then she wakes up and realizes she must continue, lol.

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