This week and the end of last week Dan has been working on the SLC temple. Since it is so big and very intricate they were only able to do the Celestial room during this shutdown. Due to this temple being so big and frequently used by the leaders of the church there was a lot of extra security. The company Dan works for had to sign a ton of legal documents stating they wouldn't bring anyone in who wasn't working, they would park in designated areas and wouldn't spill any kind of fluids in the parking, etc. We didn't think I was going to be able to go in. I was so devastated because this is my absolute favorite temple and where we were married. I've always loved the SLC temple. It not only has such a rich history and is absolutely beautiful, but it is one of the only temples with such fine detail. Every part of the temple has unique designs, carvings, paintings, etc. Even the doorknobs. I remember that the most from my first visit to the SLC temple when I was 12ish. I remember grasping the doorknob and almost dying over the fact that I had to put my hands on such a magnificent piece of work. I told Dan it was okay if he couldn't allow me to come in and see his work since I can always come back for a session (unlike the temple in Hawaii). However I was able to go in and see his and my father-in-law's work. As always it was amazing. I also love all the insider information we get from such a job. None of it is stuff that others can't know, or stuff that is supposed to be hush hush. It's just things people wouldn't know unless they were a part of the building process. For example, there are 3 or 4 stairs in one room, but with a push of a button they change it to a ramp for those in wheelchairs. How cool is that? Also, almost every time they update these temples they use different carpet designs, different chairs, different fabric on the chairs, and other things. I never knew that! It makes sense but it's not something you think of. I think it is so wonderful to go to these temples and get to spend some time in them. When you go through for a session your mind is in a very spiritual and different place. When we go to do a job we get time to sit there and notice the detail put into these temples. Which always makes me so grateful. I think about how this banister/railing was carved and painted by someone years and years ago. Yes it has been touched up and probably had to be repaired at times but parts of it are exactly what these people did so long ago. They put so much effort into it without all the high tech equipment we have. It's also fun to meet the people there. I got to meet the SLC Temple President. Which was amazing, although I think my hand is still searing from definitely not being worthy to touch such hand. I was also able to talk to the chair installers who traveled back from Fiji with Dan. It's great to see how many people are so proud of Dan/Gregg and how grateful they are for the work they do. It makes all the hard times worth it. Even the times when I have to cope with the loss of my precious baby while Dan is 19 hours ahead of me in Fiji. I love thinking of all the people who are influenced by what they do. Then I get jealous and realize my job is totally shabby compared to theirs. "I get yelled at all day long. :) " Anywho SLC is done for now and we're moving on to Vancouver and Sacramento.

Comments (2)

On January 29, 2010 at 8:54 PM , Vonney said...

Dan has the coolest job!

On January 30, 2010 at 9:17 AM , mbreck said...

That is totally cool! Nice stories.