I told you all that we're so boring we're rarely going to have anything to say. Um.....lets see...... earlier this week I ended up with a giant painful bulge on my head behind my ear. I had no clue what it was and every time I moved my head or brushed my hair I was in tons of pain. One of my co-workers looked at it and said she has a sister-in-law that gets the exact same thing. Apparently it is a swollen lymph node. Basically an intense amount of stress causes a lot of muscle tension that cuts the lymph ducts off and the lymph fluid ends up pooling in the lymph node. Thus causing swelling, pain, and often times infection. Yet again my body tells me I am a huge worrier and after 21 years I'm still unable to handle it. Dan's amazed that I continually have all these problems he has never heard of or seen that are caused by just my stress. Stupid body/mind.

Suki ended up having a mouth sore earlier this week as well. You know when you eat Captain Crunch and it causes the roof of your mouth to get all raw and sore? She pretty much had that in a very small ferret forum. Thus I've spent the whole rest of the week smashing up ferret kibble, mixing it with warm water, and spoon feeding it to Suki. She is seeming to be a lot better. I hope she gets better. I hate it when the ferrets have problems and don't feel well.

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