After much trial and error, I have finally come up with a design for our blog. I know we're still being pretty boring but what do you expect from a family of two (plus four furkids)? We pretty much spend all our time playing/watching video games, coming up with new ways to out smart the ferrets, and color pictures for our cousins. Rather boring life....but it's how we do things here.

Comments (2)

On June 21, 2009 at 11:32 PM , mbreck said...

Very nice! And jealous that you do know more than I do to do on it. I am excited. Wish you could have come today.

On June 22, 2009 at 6:43 PM , Vonney said...

OMG I am so excited you have a blog now! I love your little furry kids! My daughter said they were so she will want to come visit you, just to play with them! Hee-hee.