Yes tomorrow is February 14th. Also known as Valentine's day. Since a very young age I developed a loathing for this holiday. I was never showered with gifts and rarely (if ever) had a "special somebody" who would go above and beyond at making this day more romantic than any other. However I did find myself reflecting on a few silly things about Valentine's day. I figured I share them with you all. Consider it my small attempt at adoring a holiday that has never been my fave.

-I always loved receiving Valentine's Day gifts from my mom. I'm not sure when they started, or if they were always there, but they definitely meant something to me. Being that we never had much and my mom probably hates this holiday more than I do, it was never outlandish gifts that we were given the morning of Feb 14th. Yet the knowledge that my mom went out of her way to give us something on this day all about expressing love had a great impact on me. Especially since I honestly have received gifts on Valentine's day from only two other individuals in my life. It was nice to know that not everybody passed me up on this silly day.

-The first year after my mom was divorced I felt so horrible that she'd have to sit at work seeing all the other women get flowers from their spouses/partners on V-day. I truly made me so sad to think that she would have to be reminded all day long that she didn't have a spouse/partner, although in reality none is better than what she did have before. I decided I would secretly send her flowers. I was hoping that they'd brighten her day and let her know that I loved her even though I wasn't her spouse. lol I've tried to do this for her every year since then, but um I kind of realized I forgot to do it this year. Sorry mom!! ha The reason I share this story is because it was this moment I realized that maybe I hadn't always told my mom how much she truly means to me. Maybe with flowers every so often I can express that love for her, and make up for some of the crap I put her through as a kid. Just maybe. I also realized that I knew exactly how she felt, to see others get gifts from their loved ones knowing that you probably weren't going to get anything. But that one time someone did give you something, it meant so very much to you.... Maybe there's a lesson there for one of you in that, who knows...

-I made cookies today for my tomorrow's Valentine's day work dessert party. My mom and I have this killer sugar cookie recipe. If it wasn't for the time it takes to make them, I'd probably be making cookies for every holiday no matter how big or small. While making these cookies I stumbled upon the hilarity of this recipe... In the original recipe book my mom had written next to it "half this recipe." The first time I made the cookies I looked at that and thought to myself about how I really needed quite a few cookies so I'd just make the whole recipe. Bad. Idea. I ended up with easily 200+ cookies. I was so sick of seeing Christmas tree shaped sugar cookies. From then on I always made sure to half the recipe. When I moved out my mom provided me with this recipe, but she made sure it was halved for me so I'd never end up waist deep in cookies again. So today as I'm making these cookies I get to the end and realize...I only have like 30 cookies. How is it that this recipe either makes 600 cookies or 30 cookies. There's got to be something wrong with this math. I just know it!

-As I'm getting ready to frost the cookies Dan points out that I shouldn't use red food dye. I inquired as to why he'd say such. He again explained that red food dye tastes bad. Since I have yet to agree with him or any of the other people out there that say red frosting tastes bad I decided I'd still make red/pink frosted hearts. Then I remember that some of my family members don't eat red food dye because of something or another blah blah blah. Anywho I was thinking to myself.... Now how the heck do you make cookies or any Valentine's day treat if you can't use red food dye??? Really?? Hearts don't come in any other color. What do you make/give your kids? White hearts? Really? That is not only quite boring, but it also is highly anatomically incorrect. I know bright crimson red and pink really aren't all that accurate either, but white is WAY off.

I do believe this ends my list of random Valentine's day thoughts. But I'm still concerned for all the children out there who might be given white frosted cookies on Valentine's day. Someone please help me understand this. Also, why does this blasted holiday still exist? It does nothing good for anyone's spirit when they don't get something. If you're in one of those relationships where you might actually embrass your love on February 14th, can't you just....not? Maybe you should do it another random day of the year. Really it'd be great for the rest of the world, promise. You know how there's Scrooge for Christmas? Well I'm that for Valentine's day. Haha Although I would like to say, this post was written with a smile on my face in an attempt at bringing you all a good laugh or chuckle, not for the sake of being a pessimist. I will be providing some of you with cookies on this silly holiday, so I can't be too upset. I do love to bake.

Comments (4)

On February 14, 2011 at 1:03 PM , jo ann poulsen said...

It was connected to Christ's resurection. At one time all old holidays were connected to his birth & or resurection. I'm sorry I have since forgotten how . And don't have the book or it's name anymore. Happy Valintines Day love grma

On February 14, 2011 at 1:07 PM , jo ann poulsen said...

Sorry for the missed spelled word, "Resurrection"

On February 14, 2011 at 8:25 PM , luv2offroad2 said...

I LOVE YOU!!! And just having two beautiful amazing daughters is all the gift I need on Valentine's day.

And just for the record, I too have the same problem with that recipe. A full recipe makes way too many cookies and half doesn't seem to be half. Maybe we should do a 3/4 of the recipe.

On February 20, 2011 at 8:14 AM , Vonney said...

What a beautiful comment ReBecca!