Over the past few years my aunt has posted many pics on her blog and facebook page of her son in various outfits. Most of these outfits are quite bizarre, but hilarious. He is usually seen wearing a helmet, like an ATV helmet, often times with goggles. He's also been known to "jam out" on his guitar, which consists of a few hangers tucked under his arm. Well today Dan was cleaning the house since we're having a short notice visit from our apartment managers tomorrow, and I found him in this interesting outfit.... Now realize this is not an abnormal event. He is known to stack as many hats as he can on his head as he finds them while cleaning the house, or to put on all the random goggles of his he finds. After discovering him in this outfit he told me that I needed to take a pic since he looked like my cousin. So here you go aunt B, this is what you have to look forward to...and it doesn't stop once married....

Comments (1)

On May 5, 2010 at 7:51 AM , luv2offroad2 said...

Finally! A picture of him jamming. :)