It's been quite a while since I've posted anything. This is partly due to nothing too interesting happening in our lives (at least not anything I'd like to display on a public blog) and me being incredibly busy with school, work, overtime, ferrets, working out and just life in general. I've decided it is time to break this long time of silence and give you all a bit of an update. Why you say? Because really I'd much rather avoid studying for the test that I have on Tuesday. It truly is one of the most boring classes of my entire life. Period.

First, I'd like to announce that we purchased a spiffy new ride for me. We were sort of contemplating buying another car since we don't really live a one car household lifestyle. However we had yet to come up with a plan of action, timeframe, or even an agreement as to what kind of car to get. One day our friends Chad and Heidi posted a classified add for their Chrysler PT Cruiser. We loved the price, we knew it was in great shape, and it met our needs (plus some). I know that I've never been fond of PT Cruisers but this just seemed to fall in our laps just perfectly. We couldn't pass it up. The funny thing is I now adore this car. I love so much about it. *squeal* Her name is Azula, yeah awesome I know. Azula is the princess of the fire nation in Avatar the Last Airbender. She bends blue fire and even electricity which is pretty spiffy if you ask me. Since the Cruiser is sparkly blue and is definitely a girl, Azula just fit perfectly.

Second, we have a completely remodeled shower. It's very nice and I'm so grateful for Dan and his dad for all the work they put into it. It wasn't really planned for but a few things led to another, which led to a total fall out of the old shower and one cannot live without a shower so we kinda had to plunge right into a remodel. We're also very grateful for Dan's parents allowing us to invade their home for a few days while it was being worked on.

Third, I am incredibly grateful for the close friends and family who have been there for us these past few months. I cannot even begin to tell you how every little piece of advice, love, reassurance, and hope helped us especially me. Things have been very hard for a number of reasons and it is amazing to see how many people are willing to rally together for you. I only hope I can return the favor(s) somehow, someday, in some sort of way.

Lastly I'm not going to guarantee that this will be the beginning of me blogging consistently again. Life is just too crazy for that. But I'll definitely try my best.

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