I hate how our blog is really like the most boring thing ever. We all know I could go on for days about the awesomness of my four legged, furry children but I know that most people don't even care about our pets. It probably gets pretty tiring for others who don't love pets like we do. However our ferrets are about the most exciting thing in our lives; thus we are left with little to write to you all about... For today we are going to try our hand at something more entertaining than ferret chat or ramblings about who knows what. Let's get to know me! Yay! Because you're all just dying to know me inside and out, right? Thought so! So here's some random facts about me:
-I'm a salt addict. I eat things based off of how much salt it already contains and how much salt I can add on to. I rarely crave sweets, but I always crave salts.
-I recently learned I love to run/jog. I've always hated it, regardless of what the reasons for it were or the way I was doing it. I hated it. Now I find it is quite enjoyable. In fact I wish I was capable of doing more than my body currently allows. I love how I worry about nothing in my crazy life, other than getting to the next point where I can stop running. hehe
-I love to read. Pretty much anything will suffice. I am the student who will read the text book because it's fun. I also love audiobooks. Yeah go ahead and say that that isn't really reading. Whatever. But when I'm sitting at work, scrolling through spreadsheets of numbers or working silly faxes from doctor's offices I can't really hold a book and flip pages, now can I? When I'm running down the street I can't possibly hold a book and not trip over my toe and kill myself, now can I?
-I love watching the Price is Right. I don't really like it with Drew; I'm a Bob Barker fan. Maybe one day I can get on the show and win some cars or something!
-I don't like the marshmallows in Lucky Charms. I like the part most little kids avoid.
-I will do anything to avoid sticky foods. I do not like sticky things getting on me. I can't stand how you get sticky, and then nothing gets rid of it. Yick! Thus I avoid sticky foods such as honey, syrup, jam, etc. I won't even touch the containers, because it is likely to get on me.
-My driving skills are pretty much awesome. I am fast, efficient, safe, and all around awesome. I've only had one ticket and that was for not having a license plate on the front of my car. :P I find my driving talent quite epic.
-I was (am) a WoW addict. That stands for World of Warcraft which is an online, multiplayer video game. I hate admitting to such an addiction since it is usually associated with those who have no jobs, are obese, and smell no better than a jr. high boys' locker room. However I played this game for thousands of hours, wasting away so much of my life. I haven't played in two years but everyday I contemplate breaking down to play it.
-My favorite tv channel is Animal Planet. I pretty much love every show of theirs. My second favorite would probably be the Discovery Channel. What can I say? I love to learn
-I don't wear anything that is gold. Nope, never. Everything must be silver or white gold. If it's white gold I'll still suffer from an allergic reaction, but less severe.
-Speaking of allergies. I'm allergic to all Penicillins, Cephalosporins, and Erythromycin. That's just the medications... I'm allergic to any lipstick or dyed chapsticks. Topical agents of any kind are always a risk for me. I'm constantly struggling with weird rashes from something I used. Recently I suffered a chemical burn from my facial cleanser. Guess that's another one I won't be using.
-If my body temperature gets too high then I end up having weird allergic reaction type rashes. I end up with these weird bumps filled with antihistamines and they itch like mad. Basically my body thinks there is an allergen there to attack but there isn't. Cool huh?
-I don't like the cold. Period. End of story.
-My sense of humor is broken. There's a lot of things other people find hilarious that I just find...dumb. There are some things I do find funny. I'm not completely broken.
-I think the current teens of America are really screwed up. Seriously what is up with the ridiculous outfits, disrespect, and laziness that is at a whole new level of ridiculous? Is the current fashion to find as many ugly things as possible and mesh them together? How is that even "cool?"
-Mexican food is my favorite!
-I made my own Olympic pin for the 2002 Winter Olympics. It was sold by pin vendors and all! I also got to go to the closing ceremonies, FREE!!!
-I sleep talk, cry, yell, and walk. It drives Dan INSANE!!! But it is completely hilarious, and I rarely remember any of it.
Well I think that's about all I have in me. Maybe one day my blog will actually be interesting... Who knows. Maybe not! I do live quite the boring life though... We need to get out more. For sure!
Good night!
8:09 PM |
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Comments (3)
well at least your not like babe he sleep walks, talk, and PUNCHES. I wake up to him beating me up and he is still asleep, and i have to wake him up to get him to stop. then he has no memory of doing so but i will have brushes from him hitting me.
That was actually quite interesting.
I'm glad that was entertaining/interesting G.
Sis-Um have you not met me? I punch. I kick. Oh there was a time I forced my knee into Dan's spine. I think he died a little. In fact ask aunt G about the time I slept in her bed. I kicked and punched her. That was the beginning of me being told I'm a violent sleeper.