Some of my friends and I decided we wanted to go hiking again this Friday night. My friend Jae said she was going to choose the hike this time. Our last hike, Rattlesnake Gulch, was chosen by our friend Jon and although it was fun but definitely took a lot of work. She chose a hike she was pretty familiar with, Rocky Mouth Falls. This hike is listed as being extremely easy and short. Yes this is true. If you stop at the bottom of the waterfall. After checking out the waterfall at the bottom we decided it'd be fun to go up to the top. Only we had no clue what it was going to be like, well except Jae. Turns out it is not a hike up to the top, it is a rock climb. Yes you have to grab nature made handholds and pull yourself up. There were even some points when we had to jump and toss your leg up to a higher ledge. If you know anything about me you know I'm not an outdoorsy person. I do not like getting dirty and honestly I have never been rock climbing other than the wall at REI when I was a child. I was not prepared mentally, physically, and I wasn't not wearing appropriate attire for such a situation. I didn't even have a water bottle. Here I am on the side of rock, holding on with my weak sissy arms, looking out over the valley knowing I'm way high up, and I have dry mouth with no water. There were more than a billion times I asked Jae if we could go back down because it just wasn't worth my life. Nope she is a monkey with no fear and up we went. Jon of course had to protect his manliness and ensure the safety of us girls. I on the other hand have no desire to do this and my anxiety is at max level. However I pressed on and managed to make it to the top of the waterfall. Go me!!! After playing around at the top for a bit we headed back down. My instructions in most places were "slide down the rock and let your leg stop you at this point." Oh great! I'm just going to slide down the mountain side and hope my foot lands in just the right spot to stop the pulling force of gravity. Um, this is terrifying. Despite all the fear and hesitancy I managed to get to the top then safely get back down to the bottom. I had soooooooo much fun! I loved it. I'm not sure I'd do it again since it was absolutely frightening, but I enjoyed myself. Today I ache just about everywhere. There's muscles I wasn't even aware of throbbing away. Oh well, it was worth it!
Here's some pics:
A little alcove on the path to the waterfall
Another small alcove
Jon and Jae at the bottom of the waterfall
The bottom of the falls
See that roundish rock at the top in the middle? That's where I'll be in another shot.
The water trickling down the rocks

A shot taken midway through our rock climb
Remember that roundish rock? Yeah we're standing above it. Jae and Jon decided to climb down closer to the top of the falls.

View out over the valley from the top of the falls

Not only did I recently discover that I enjoyed running but hiking as well. I think hiking has the greatness of being surrounded by nature of camping and the comfort of city living. I hate the idea of camping because I cant shower and everyone ends up smelling disgusting. However I still want to enjoy nature, and this is where hiking comes in. I can enjoy the beauty of the earth then return home to my clean bed and fantastic shower! Ah, isn't it great? I've been dying to hike more but unfortunately it is quite a challenge when you're a girl and it probably isn't safe to go alone. Oh why don't I take my husband? Not! See Dan and I have this thing where we agree on....nothing. We literally have only a handful of things in common. Otherwise you can guarantee we'll be the complete opposite. If I love it, he'll hate it. This is how we are with hiking and camping. He loves camping and hates hiking. I love hiking but find camping to be no good. Thus my ability to hike has been a bit limited. Fortunately I have a friend who enjoys hiking, but getting our schedules to coordinate is another thing. On Friday we managed to hike Donut Falls after I got off work. We weren't able to get all the way up to the top due to it being a bit too dark. Then on Saturday we hiked Rattlesnake Gulch which is part of the Pipeline trail. It was a lot of fun, although very strenuous in the beginning. Although I've worked up to being able to run double almost triple what I could a month ago, I found myself panting with my toosh burning. But the view was magnificent and the friends were great! I think I'm evolving into a better version of me, but unfortunately this new me doesn't share any common pleasures with my husband. I'm enjoying finding new friends and being social. I'm also overcoming my social anxieties. Look at me go!

Mass amounts of ferrets? Yeah what happens when you own four ferrets and come home to eight? Well the poop definitely doubles, yay for me! Also you realize that when your in-laws mentioned you'd be taking their ferrets for a weekend you probably should've marked that weekend on your calendar. My mother in-law's sister was in town and spent the weekend at their house. However one of my in-laws' ferrets is an escape artist and would likely find his way into the guest room. Thus we said we were willing to take the ferrets to our place for the weekend. Only thing is I pretty much forgot what weekend that would be. We loved having them here though. They're really fun and our ferrets love having friends around. I'm very glad that we had them here, just wish I could remember when I sign up for these things....

Medco, oh Medco. This would be our pharmacy processor. Essentially they provide my company with a system that interfaces with the pharmacies' systems. When a pharmacy submits a prescription through your insurance it goes through the pharmacy processing system. The pharmacy processing company then pays the insurance company for all the claims, and we pay them. Of course my personal medical insurance is through the company I work for. Therefore my prescription claims go through this system. We use to have a super awesome pharmacy processor that we took for granted. Well we found out they were essentially ripping us off and there were giant corporate lawsuits, blah bliddy blah. Now we have Medco, who is uber strict. If you feel your medication 7 days early every month it'll eventually catch up to you. The Medco system will say you have too many pills in your possession and will not allow a new fill to go through. Well this happened to me. Yes, even insurance company employees get screwed over by their insurance company. Turns out, Medco won't let me fill my birth control for 2 more days and I was supposed to start it yesterday. Oh well! Good thing Dan is out of town, because right now I'm birth control free thanks to the pharmacy processor I curse all day, everyday.

I think I'm out of stories for now. Sorry that it is kind of boring. At least I'm giving you something right?
Wow I had no clue today was going to be such a whacked out day. Of course I got home from work and went running. After that I decided to figure out what was causing the weird smell in the ferret room. I discovered Suki's stash of food (food storage I suppose) and figured that it was the cause. Then I decided to clean the Easter egg bin in their room. This is a 30 gallon tote full of Easter eggs that the ferrets roam around in. They absolutely love it, but it needs to be cleaned. Which of course is like a massive job. Afterwards I cleaned the cage pans. Now I have the room cleaned and go to make their food. Then I loose my balance and spill the food all over the floor.... GREAT!!!! I sigh and shrug it off. I must be making some kind of progress since I didn't have a breakdown, instead I laughed.

Next I decide to make brownies. Rocky Road brownies, made of devil's food cake batter, marshmallows, and pecans. As I'm adding the eggs into the batter I drop a whole eggshell in the batter. I really must be a ditz. Then I drop the next eggshell into the batter. Wow, I think I might be a bit too clumsy. Sigh again, whatever. I go to check on the brownies after 30 mins, yeah the center is beyond gooey and isn't even warm. Oh and did I mention that it is overflowing the pan? Yeah it tripled in size and isn't even done baking!!! I was going to say I failed to mention one of other thing on my last post, I'm a surprisingly good cook. Now I think that maybe I'm just a really good...experiment chef? I find these awesome recipes online and give them a try. Typically they turn out awesome. Other times they just don't work out like they're supposed to. Yup this was one of those. I now have a brownie that is quite massive and funky shaped. I have no clue how I'm going to make it look appealing for my husband because in reality it looks awful. Ha, it'll probably taste good though! Wow it's been one of those days where it seems like everything is a bit out of whack, especially with eggs....
I hate how our blog is really like the most boring thing ever. We all know I could go on for days about the awesomness of my four legged, furry children but I know that most people don't even care about our pets. It probably gets pretty tiring for others who don't love pets like we do. However our ferrets are about the most exciting thing in our lives; thus we are left with little to write to you all about... For today we are going to try our hand at something more entertaining than ferret chat or ramblings about who knows what. Let's get to know me! Yay! Because you're all just dying to know me inside and out, right? Thought so! So here's some random facts about me:

-I'm a salt addict. I eat things based off of how much salt it already contains and how much salt I can add on to. I rarely crave sweets, but I always crave salts.

-I recently learned I love to run/jog. I've always hated it, regardless of what the reasons for it were or the way I was doing it. I hated it. Now I find it is quite enjoyable. In fact I wish I was capable of doing more than my body currently allows. I love how I worry about nothing in my crazy life, other than getting to the next point where I can stop running. hehe

-I love to read. Pretty much anything will suffice. I am the student who will read the text book because it's fun. I also love audiobooks. Yeah go ahead and say that that isn't really reading. Whatever. But when I'm sitting at work, scrolling through spreadsheets of numbers or working silly faxes from doctor's offices I can't really hold a book and flip pages, now can I? When I'm running down the street I can't possibly hold a book and not trip over my toe and kill myself, now can I?

-I love watching the Price is Right. I don't really like it with Drew; I'm a Bob Barker fan. Maybe one day I can get on the show and win some cars or something!

-I don't like the marshmallows in Lucky Charms. I like the part most little kids avoid.

-I will do anything to avoid sticky foods. I do not like sticky things getting on me. I can't stand how you get sticky, and then nothing gets rid of it. Yick! Thus I avoid sticky foods such as honey, syrup, jam, etc. I won't even touch the containers, because it is likely to get on me.

-My driving skills are pretty much awesome. I am fast, efficient, safe, and all around awesome. I've only had one ticket and that was for not having a license plate on the front of my car. :P I find my driving talent quite epic.

-I was (am) a WoW addict. That stands for World of Warcraft which is an online, multiplayer video game. I hate admitting to such an addiction since it is usually associated with those who have no jobs, are obese, and smell no better than a jr. high boys' locker room. However I played this game for thousands of hours, wasting away so much of my life. I haven't played in two years but everyday I contemplate breaking down to play it.

-My favorite tv channel is Animal Planet. I pretty much love every show of theirs. My second favorite would probably be the Discovery Channel. What can I say? I love to learn

-I don't wear anything that is gold. Nope, never. Everything must be silver or white gold. If it's white gold I'll still suffer from an allergic reaction, but less severe.

-Speaking of allergies. I'm allergic to all Penicillins, Cephalosporins, and Erythromycin. That's just the medications... I'm allergic to any lipstick or dyed chapsticks. Topical agents of any kind are always a risk for me. I'm constantly struggling with weird rashes from something I used. Recently I suffered a chemical burn from my facial cleanser. Guess that's another one I won't be using.

-If my body temperature gets too high then I end up having weird allergic reaction type rashes. I end up with these weird bumps filled with antihistamines and they itch like mad. Basically my body thinks there is an allergen there to attack but there isn't. Cool huh?

-I don't like the cold. Period. End of story.

-My sense of humor is broken. There's a lot of things other people find hilarious that I just find...dumb. There are some things I do find funny. I'm not completely broken.

-I think the current teens of America are really screwed up. Seriously what is up with the ridiculous outfits, disrespect, and laziness that is at a whole new level of ridiculous? Is the current fashion to find as many ugly things as possible and mesh them together? How is that even "cool?"

-Mexican food is my favorite!

-I made my own Olympic pin for the 2002 Winter Olympics. It was sold by pin vendors and all! I also got to go to the closing ceremonies, FREE!!!

-I sleep talk, cry, yell, and walk. It drives Dan INSANE!!! But it is completely hilarious, and I rarely remember any of it.

Well I think that's about all I have in me. Maybe one day my blog will actually be interesting... Who knows. Maybe not! I do live quite the boring life though... We need to get out more. For sure!

Good night!
I have a friend/acquaintance from high school who is absolutely hilarious. Her blog is a guaranteed laugh. She recently posted a list of her most embarrassing moments. I decided I needed to do a list because I experienced the world's most embarrassing moment ever...period.

-When I was a kid at the Boys and Girls Club at Horizon Elementary I decided to try one of those small cartons of chocolate milk. I realized I hated it right after the first swallow (still hate it) and decided to toss the mostly full carton into the garbage can. The garbage can was probably only half a foot shorter than me at the time. I dropped the carton in and ALL the milk came flying up and covered my hair in chocolate milk. COVERED. Horrible.

-I once wore some workout pants to the B&G Club that had an elastic waist band. Some kid decided to pull my pants down, and he did. I ended up bearing my undies to the whole group of kids. Not awesome. If I remember correctly I might've even had some holes in the bum part of my underwear too.

- Then there was the time I thought I'd be cool and do a backbend in the gym of the B&G Club. I totally biffed it and landed on my head. I ended up being taken to the an ambulance. Here I was trying to show off my mad skills which ultimately resulted in one of my more frightening moments ever.

-When I was about 14 I went to Raging Waters. I was riding what I believe is called the Shotgun, a water slide that curves upward at the end and launches your body into the air then you fall into the water. I was wearing a two piece, and yes my top came off. It was up around my neck. You'd think no one was watching since I wasn't their child or anything. No, a man was standing near the edge of the pool, smoking, and watching. He totally saw my teenage boobs while I struggled to put my top back on.

-Another B&G Club story. I was walking away from the building, the same way I had billions of times. I ended up walking straight into the flag pole. Whacking my head super hard.

-Tour Guide Barbie. This story is apparently a classic in my family. I was pretending to be tour guide Barbie from Toy Story. I suddenly realized my chest size wasn't big enough for the role I was attempting to portray. I ran to my room and grabbed some socks. I stuffed the socks down my little teen bra. I was laughing hysterically as I showed my mom and sis. Turns out they had a plan of their own and snapped a pic of my fake Barbie boobs. Awesome... This is a story Mom will tell anyone!

-I cut my clothes a lot when I was a kindergartner. Apparently I felt the need to "test" the scissors. Of course I couldn't test them out on paper...I had to try it on my clothes.

-This moment was not embarrassing when it happened, but now that I'm older I'm quite embarrassed by it. My mom and I always communicated through notes when I was a child. I decided to send her a note letting her know how I felt about her wanting another baby. Oh was I mean. I gave her all kinds of nasty reasons as to why she shouldn't selfishly have another kid. My mom always told us she felt like she was supposed to have more kids. Yeah it's my fault she didn't because I was a mouthy little kid.

-There's probably thousands of things I've done in an attempt to impress a boy I was interested in. I really can't think of one instance or another, but I know for a fact I did a ton of stupid things trying to look awesome. Go me!

-We went to move from our apartment and I had packed up all of our "married couple things" before I allowed anyone to help us. Then we get to the new house and see a box my mother in-law packed. Inside this box is a VCF which obviously belongs to me. So glad my in law packed my contraceptives. At least my husband's whole family is super open about sex, otherwise this could've been beyond awkward.

-On that same topic, I was at my first "girl" doctor visit and I was super nervous. When I was called back I assumed it was for a blood sample since I knew they were going to do that first. I asked my mom to come with me since I was frightened especially about having my blood drawn. Turns out it was for the...exam... Yeah my mom was in the room for my first female exam. Don't worry she put her magazine directly in front of her face thus averting any personal images.

Really that's all I can think of for right now, but I'm sure I have a trillion more. However the whole reason I started this post was to divulge my most reason embarrassing moment, so which one was it you ask? Not any of those. I saved it for last. So without further ado I present to you the world's most embarrassing moment:

-I'm getting ready to go for my daily jog meaning I have on my workout tank top and capris. As I get ready to leave the house the doorbell rings. Husband takes off for the bedroom to put clothes on. First I grab the pile of clean garments waiting to be folded off the living room floor and toss them into the guest bedroom. Then I answer the door. Yay it's the Elder's Quorum first and second counselor from our new ward. Here I am in my stinky work out clothes that may or may not be appropriate according to them talking to church guys. Then I realize my tattoo is showing. What a great first impression I'm making! Halfway through the conversation I run back inside letting my husband resume the conversation. I'm not a huge social person anyways. Then I realize.....there are two empty boxes on our entrance landing. These two boxes came from Blue Boutique. Yeah I'm not going to tell you what they were but obviously they came from a store that is known for certain kinds of products. The whole times these two church guys have been out on our front porch they could look through the glass door and see these items. Yeah.... Now I have completely made an awesome introduction. Hi new religious guys, here let me wear a controversial outfit, show skin, sport my tattoo, and on top of that here's some scandalous items in my house!!! Go me!!!

Now... what's your most embarrassing moment?