Most ferrets love the snow because they can dig in it and it is so unfamiliar. Suki loves it but gets cold so fast because of her small size. Dan and I knitted a sweater for her. It fits her very well but she doesn't like it. She wiggles her way out of it. I managed to get a few pictures of her with it on before she got it off.
Suki attempting to get out of the sweater:

This week Houdini went to the vet's office. He had a giant mass in his abdomen we suspected was an enlarged spleen. He also seemed to be more lethargic than usual. The vet wanted to do an ultrasound on his stomach. They had to shave his belly and put the jelly stuff on his tummy. I imagine he hated every second of it. Afterward they informed us that his spleen seemed to be functioning normally thus they'd like to do some blood tests. They had to shave his neck so they could draw blood. He spent the whole rest of the day at the vet's office because they wanted him to have a three hour fast so they could take a fasting blood glucose level. Dan went to pick up Houdini but had forgotten to bring the carrier. He made a little bed for Houdini on the passenger seat out of some blankets and towels that were in the car. Houdini chose to curl up in Dan's lap instead. It was very sweet. The poor guy had a very long day but is now home with his parents and other fur-siblings. His mommy is giving him lots of extra attention to make him feel better for the fact that she left him at the mean vet's office. Here is a pic of his sad little shaved belly:

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Apparently I got too busy during the vacation to post more info. Our third day we went to go agate searching and then played frisbee on the beach. We didn't get very lucky with the agate searching. Dan did a really good job. He ended up with a lot of cool agates and cool rocks. Later on in the night we played frisbees on the beach. Our frisbees had lights in them so we could see them. It was so much fun!! Except we had to go chase down some of the frisbees in the ocean! After frisbees we went to the local store and bought firewood. We built a fire on the beach. I burnt my hand. Which was funny, and not all that painful. It really only burnt my hand hairs off, which stunk of course.
For Thanksgiving we stuffed our faces. My father-in-law Gregg is an AMAZING chef!!! He made a fantastic dinner for us all. We enjoyed every bite of it. I'm pretty sure I ate way way way way too much food. My mom, who was baby-sitting the ferrets, made them a wonderful turkey baby food Thanksgiving meal for them. Which I thought was awesome!
The next day we basically lounged around the house. We did pictures on the beach for the family Christmas card. I don't like any of the pictures so yeah... We also learned how to knit hats from Dan's aunt. It was a lot of fun and super easy!! There are knitting looms (known as Knifty Knitters) that make it even easier.
Our next day was dedicated solely to finding knitting looms for Dan, Me, Patrick, and Tasha. It was difficult because we were in a very small town. We went to about 10 different stores before we finally went to a Jo Ann's two hours away from our beach home.... It was a way long drive but by the end we all had knitting looms. It was also a lot of fun because Dan and Patrick are hilarious when they're together. We had a lot of good laughs.
Final day was spent knitting hats and then packing/cleaning before leaving for home. It was nice and relaxing fun. Then we took the long drive home. Oh we stopped at Multnomah falls and Voodoo donuts on our way home. Voodoo donuts has some AMAZING donuts, so if any of you go to Oregon stop there for sure. Multnomah was very pretty. Dan slept in the car while we briefly looked around. That's about it. Sorry for the brief recap...
Railroad that went over the river at Multnomah falls. I loved this sign:

The river:

The bridge over the river:

More bridge and river:

River behind trees:

A sideways picture of the actual falls. It was very beautiful:

Agate beach hunting at Hug Point I found this log and I thought it looked like a microbe:

Agate beach:

Agate beach again:

The sign outside Manzanita. Small town but lots of fun and very close to the ocean.:
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