Wow Dan has been busy the past month or so. He went to Ohio for about 5 days. He had a lot of fun stories. My favorite was a dead cockroach in the baptismal font. As Dan put it, a devil creature like a cockroach had died when it was exposed to the "holy water." It was awesome!!! He also brought back some chili so he could make me Cincinnati Chili. The chili in that area typically consists of cooked spaghetti noodles, chili, onions, red beans, shredded cheese, and oyster crackers. When he made it for me it was great!!! He also went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. He had a lot of fun and brought me back a super cool shirt. After about 3 days home he left again for Detroit. I can't remember any great stories from Detroit.... Hmmm After a few days home he left for Minneapolis. He didn't have any white work clothes to wear in the temple because he accidentally left his whites in Detroit. lol He is a goofball!!! While in Minneapolis he went to the Spam museum (yes they have a museum dedicated to what I like to call tripe). They also went to the Mall of America. Dan brought me back a gorgeous necklace and Spammies (Jammies that say Spam on them and are blue and yellow). Dan came back from Minneapolis a few hours early and surprised me. Then this morning he left for Japan, despite being very sick. I'm so proud of him for sticking to it. Although his job seems so amazing and glorious to others it is very difficult. Dan loves his job and all the amazing places he gets to go and being a part of God's temples. However it is very difficult for him to be gone from his family especially when it is back to back like this. He misses his babies and they miss him, especially Suki. She does not like mommy as much as she likes daddy. While Dan's been gone I've done a lot of cleaning, re-caulked the tub, went to the zoo, and lots of other fun things. Also not such fun things like work, yick. I wish I could travel the world like my husband and be a part of something so rewarding but someone has to earn the benefits.....

I totally meant to post this earlier. Between work, school, cleaning, and dealing with Dan being gone non-stop I've been WAY busy. Ferrets require lots of stimulation and new activities. They get bored quite easy. Thus I've been trying to come up with new ways to keep them entertained. My most recent idea involved snorkeling and finger-painting. Here's the result: